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Adopt a Small Business Today!

*Not a legal adoption
The Curated Equal Foundation

Help make a difference in the lives of underrepresented entrepreneurs. Your generous donation and support will help businesses grow and thrive, creating jobs and economic opportunities in our communities!  

Your 5k donation
provides the following:


  • ​​Adopted Business Receives

    • Small Business Grant

    •  Legal consultation w/partnering attorney

    • Marketing consultation w/partnering marketing strategists​​

    • Promotion on The Curated Equal Foundation Platforms & Newsletters

  • ​​You Receive

    • Business Catalogue  (List of eligible businesses)

    • Business Selection  (Pick a business to adopt)

    • Annual Luxury Gift (From select Black or Indigenous Owned Brands)​​

    • Sponsorship Recognition on The Curated Equal Foundation Platforms

    • 2 Tickets to Annual Year-End Event

Adopt-a-Business Now

Next application cycle coming soon!

Thank you for your donation!

Legal Consultations Provided by: 

Over 20 years of experience advising across various sectors, including, retail, government, legal, and higher education.

  • Business Plan Review & Recommendations

  •  Legal Entity & Business Structure Review

  • Business Systems and Reporting Requirement​​

  • Q&A

Marketing Consultations Provided by:

Business owners receive a marketing consultation from a team of world class marketing gurus with over 90 years of combined experience in cross sector marketing and communications.


Interested in Adopting a Business ($5,000), but have more questions? 
Let's set up a call!  

We look forward to chatting with you!

Empowering Small Businesses

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